An AI Plot Generator ate my daughter’s pet dog

An AI Plot Generator by Fabley opened up a ton of new doors to all the adventures I needed! It's a perfect tool for all your stories that need to be expanded!

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Bedtime stories can be a battlefield for parents. Every night, that sweet, sleepy voice asks, “Can you tell me a story?” And sometimes, your brain feels like a deflated balloon. All the ideas whoosh out. But it’s precious time spent with your kid! So, you have to think of something. And what does an AI Plot Generator have to do with family time?

Well, it does. If you know how to use it. It can be super helpful. Or it can eat your kid’s pet dog. And what do you do then?

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Can you tell me a different story?

My daughter’s name is Lily. She’s a storyholic. And every evening, she’s waiting for a brand new adventure. Curled up in her pajamas, eyes wide with anticipation.

Cinderella was over. Pirates were old news. Even the most fantastical unicorn adventures were getting boring.

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I simply ran out of ideas. And this was personal. I work as a creative writer. How am I supposed to fail at this? I was proud that my mind could make up stories in a second. I wasn’t even fully aware I could use an AI Plot Generator. 

The pressure was real. I felt like a creative failure. My stories all came out jumbled and repetitive. Lily would politely listen at first. Then, she just got honest.

Daddy, can you tell me a different story?” “Daddy, you already told me that one.” I can’t afford to be boring! I mean, I’m just a human. I’m not an AI Plot Generator. 

So, I took my laptop and decided to consult AI. I wanted a list of good bedtime stories. And all possible subplots for them. After a few hours, I finished my list and finally went to sleep. After all, I’m waking up at 5:30 AM. Wonderful.

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Just get an AI Plot Generator, old man!

Feeling proud of my list, I decided to share it with my colleagues. I wanted to be the good guy that day. And I know that a lot of people from my office have kids.

ai plot generator 3 The list may be useful for them, too. I had no idea they were all using an AI Plot Generator.

I came to work all excited. I have the ultimate list of plots and subplots for bedtime stories. And I’ll share it with all the parents in the world who need inspiration!

You can imagine how they laughed at me. “You’re still making those up?” “Come on, grandpa! Just get an AI Plot Generator.” The whole office burst into laughter. Oh, that was only slightly embarrassing.

That’s how I first met Fabley.

I downloaded the app, and my first question was: “OK, what now?” I imagined it would be this complicated system of AI science. It turned out to be quite simple to use, though. There’s a “Create” tab and a field where you type in a prompt. And that’s it. After that, it all depends on you. Whatever you want, just type in and let the AI do its magic.

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But I don’t want my child to grow up listening to an AI Plot Generator


That was my biggest dilemma. I’m a bit old-school. So, I didn’t want my kid to use a phone too much. 

You don’t need to have your phone when telling a story. Just play around with Fabley. It’s a powerful AI Plot Generator. It comes up with stories very quickly. Just remember the story it gives you and tell it later.

That was precisely my plan with the list! Make up a story fifteen minutes before bedtime and tell it later! Sure, it requires some thinking, and you must avoid reusing the plots. But it can’t be that hard, right? There’s only a million subplots to remember. Or write them down and make sure you don’t use the same ones too often. Wow, that sounds simple. OK, let’s give Fabley a try.

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And oh, was I surprised.

Trying Fabley for the first time

After work, I decided to take a nap. I planned to quickly check out Fabley’s AI Plot Generator and nap afterward. Some two hours later, I’m still in bed with the phone in my hand. Zero sleep. Wow, did I just get so carried away? I guess I did.

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But how is that possible?

I started very simply. “A brave dog superhero.” That was my entire prompt. The image that Fabley generated was super cool, though. It looked just like our dog. But there was another thing that caught my eye. The choices the AI Plot Generator offered. 

It’s not your average plain-text AI Plot Generator. It’s super interactive. And every step affects the story! (quote).

This thing has so much potential!” I can even make up stories on the go! And it all depends on the prompt I give Fabley! Bedtime stories, this time, I come prepared!

A storyteller armed to the teeth!

Bedtime for Lily came, and I was ready to tell the best story in the world. I honestly felt like an action movie hero. Like Arnold Schwarzenegger. But instead of guns and muscles, I was armed to the teeth with stories! Like I could ➤ Generate StoriesWith a little help from Fabley’s AI Plot Generator.

Sure enough, Lily wanted a story. And just as I was about to start, she interrupted me. “Daddy, tell me about The Three Little Pigs“.

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 The Three Little Pigs? Really? I spent two hours crafting a story about a superhero dog. And you want to hear a story I told you at least twenty times? Oh, that’s just not fair. Never mind, I need to think quickly! Wait. What if I improvise? 

Sure, honey! Let me just go drink some water first.” I ran like the wind. I gave Fabley the following prompt: You are an AI Plot Generator. Craft an alternative plot for the children’s story “Three Little Pigs.”

Ai Plot Generator, don't eat our dog!

So, I started the story. Three Little Pigs. Funny little guys. I couldn’t even imagine there was so much to explore in the story.

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That single fairytale covered the whole week. Night after night, we’d continue the story where we previously stopped. Fabley’s AI Plot Generator took us through forests, hills, rivers, and (somehow) the bottom of the sea. The Three Little Pigs are not good divers. I’m sure of that. Still, we had a ton of fun. 

At this point, we started crafting the stories together. Lily wasn’t just a passive listener anymore. And I loved that. I’d just tell Fabley whatever she wanted, and it included it in the story.

I even started printing the images that Fabley’s AI Plot Generator gave me. I’d show them to her in the morning. She especially loved that. It motivated her to participate in the stories even more.

But what happened to our dog? Well, the Big Bad Wolf was hungry. At the bottom of the sea. And Lily didn’t want any of the pigs to get eaten. So she decided to send Max (our dog) after the wolf. The wolf was stronger. 

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“This is an excellent opportunity to introduce my brave superhero dog!” The wolf didn’t stand a chance. And he happily returned Max to his loving family. Alive and well! Lily’s favorite character is now the brave superhero dog! I’ll have to think of a name for him.


This is just one story of how an AI Plot Generator is useful. Fabley must have crafted a million other plots in the meantime. DND sessions, comic books, bedtime stories, and so on. You can craft millions of plots and ➤ characters. And it all depends on your prompt.

So go on, try it yourself! See what kind of crazy plots you can come up with!

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We are coming soon. Yes, Fabley AI app is coming soon. It is coming very very soon. Stay tuned. We are launching soon. We are working hard. We are almost ready to launch. Something awesome is coming soon. Be the first to know.

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