How an AI Image Generator saved my two different jobs

Fabley helped me not only realize my ideas, but also significantly improve them! It's an AI Image Generator that keeps on giving!

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6 AM, Monday morning. The best day of the week. Sure. What began as a very tiring day ended as a very relaxing evening. What happened between those two? I can summarize in three words: AI Image Generator.

What does that even mean? Is this just another AI buff preaching? Not even close. This story is about a man who had little time and little fun. He did have back problems. Too much sitting down. 

So, what does an AI Image Generator have to do with that?

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AI Image Generator for breakfast

The man who woke up that Monday morning was me. You probably figured that out. Do you wake up on Mondays at 6 AM? Then you know how it feels. What little fun you had for the weekend is now over. And there’s another five working days ahead. 

I have two jobs. A writer and an illustrator.

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I’m doing my illustration in the morning. Before and after breakfast. And it happened during breakfast.

Fabley. It was the first time I took an AI Image Generator seriously.

Honey, just draw a picture

My girlfriend is a graphic designer. And we often talk about the images I choose for my work. She uses Fabley a lot.

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I was working on a children’s book at the time. And she really wanted to know about it. I also wanted to know about it. And yes, we were wearing matching shirts that morning. Coincidence.

The thing is, I had no images prepared at all. So, I tried explaining with words. She interrupted me a couple of minutes later. “Honey, just draw a picture and show me.”

My first thought? “I’m not really an AI Image Generator, honey. I wish I was, though. It would save me a ton of time”.

Wait. An AI Image Generator? For quick images? Oh, I can use this. Let’s try Fabley.

Help me, AI Image Generator!

So, there I was. Back in my chair. Looking at the homepage of the Fabley app. Ok, the “Create” tab is a logical choice here. But I have an idea for only one image. What then? Will this AI Image Generator give me ideas?

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So I started. “Generate an image of a child playing with a dog.” The first image Fabley gave me was too realistic for an illustration. But the next thing made it easier.

You can choose image styles as well. Illustration? Bingo! Awesome image! Oh, this works! 

Still, there were a lot of other images I needed. And the publisher had their own demands. But what If I just generate the elements that I need? I can use a single element. And then make a whole illustration around it.

I went scene by scene. I described every scene to the Fabley app. Sometimes, I needed a longer prompt. Sometimes shorter.

But it always gave me what I needed. An incredible source of inspiration. By 10 AM, I had all my ideas for the illustrations. Pretty neat! Fabley’s AI Image Generator, you’re pretty cool!

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But those are just images

Yes. Have you ever tried to hold the attention of a group of people? It’s hard.

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You need to be fun. Also, you need to speak about something relevant. Otherwise, why would they listen to you?

Now, imagine how hard it is to keep a kid focused.

But designing a book for a lot of kids? It’s even more difficult. You need some really good illustrations.

I even recommended this approach to my friend. He’s a teacher. He says the students in his class are having a ton of fun. A good AI Image Generator, such as Fabley, really helps you out.

Research shows that 56% of people asked enjoy looking at AI-generated images. It’s a very young technology and more than half of the participants like it.

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How do you use an AI Image Generator in education?

It’s an awesome tool. My friend teaches English literature. He says that he started having more productive lessons. 

ai image generator 9 I remember him telling me about a class. They were talking about Shakespeare.

They ended up generating images of Shakespeare in the modern world. Along with all the 21st-century problems. In the end, it sparked a big discussion. What would he do if you put him in the middle of New York right now?

Would he be confused? Of course. So he went straight to Fabley’s “Create” tab. “Generate an image of William Shakespeare in the middle of New York. He is very confused.”

 He says it was one of the most fun classes ever.

AI Image Generator just for me

I’m a big fan of fantasy. I love it all. Elves, giant spiders, ogres, and even alien dragons with flaming swords. Why not?

I use many images from Fabley’s AI Image Generator for inspiration.

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What I love the most about Fabley is that it has almost no limits. And it all depends on you. Well, you and your imagination. If you can see an image in your mind, Fabley can show it on your screen.

Cars racing on the Moon? Dragons and knights in an epic duel? Far away galaxies? Creatures from those galaxies? 

I love how simple it is. I just type in my prompt. That’s it. Fabley’s AI Image Generator takes care of the rest. 

But what about the second job that I mentioned at the beginning? I’m a writer as well, right? Yes. Have you ever had a writer’s block? It’s a really bad thing. You can’t write at all. But, as soon as you take a walk to a nearby hill, your inspiration strikes. Why? The nature? The beauty? I don’t know. But it works. 

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I do the same thing with Fabley. I let the AI Image Generator take me to all the places that I want to go. Hills, mountains, giant rivers, etc. Plus, it saves me a lot of time. I don’t have to Google the images. And browse through them.


6 PM, Monday evening. I’m done with work. And I can’t believe I have the whole evening to chill. Sometimes, you just need a little push. Someone to inspire you. And to save you time. And sometimes, your job can depend on it. Or a current project. That was the case for me, at least.

Other times, you just want to look at awesome images you won’t find elsewhere. Whatever the case, Fabley’s AI Image Generator will help you out. So, go ahead! See what awesome creation you can come up with!

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