Privacy and Security

Table of Contents

How is my data used?

You name and email-address are used for accounts, login and payment methods.

  • Only if you signed up for our newsletter, you will receive updates about technology, events and challenges. Your Name and E-Mail is not used for commercial or other purposes, not sold and not traded.

Your playthroughs, games and created fables as well as game settings, comments and friendlist are stored in the cloud. You can choose to use Fabley in private mode and no record of your data will be stored in the cloud. See FAQ concerning private mode.

You can also choose to activate incognito mode and none of your playthrough or create data will be visible. See private mode FAQ.

Is there a private mode?

Yes! You can choose to use Fabley app in private mode for creating templates and playing fables. Simply click on advanced settings → incognito mode when selecting a fable to play or template to create.

How is user data protected?

Our app takes user data protection seriously and follows the highest security standards. We safeguard your information using state-of-the-art encryption techniques both during its transmission and while it is stored in our systems. Access to sensitive data is strictly regulated. This ensures that only authorized personnel have entry, which helps prevent any unauthorized access. Additionally, we continuously monitor our systems to swiftly identify and rectify any potential security issues. Compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a cornerstone of our approach, guaranteeing that our data handling practices meet stringent privacy and security requirements.

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