An AI App that made my workday shorter

You can use an AI App for many different things. Since I've discovered Fabley, I've been using it for a lot of tasks at work or for fun. It's great!

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Wake up, multitask, go to sleep. That used to be my workday. Every day. Juggling multiple tasks is a fact of life for most working professionals. However, not all of them use an AI app to help them.

My days used to be a whirlwind. First, work. Then, content creation to promote it. Sounds easy, right? Sometimes it is. But sometimes, it’s literal hell. There are just too many things to do. I’m sure you can relate. Have you tried any AI Apps to help you out? At first, I was skeptical as well.

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Too busy to have lunch?

Being a creative individual does have its downsides. Especially if you want to work in a creative industry. 

The story of my life. After college, I got a 9 to 5 job, but didn’t stay long. It was the hours that bothered me the most. We didn’t have a handy AI App on our phones back then. You had to improvise. And improvisation usually meant using a lot of different tools at the same time. 

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I got tired of the rat race. Being often too busy to have lunch isn’t very motivational. And I wanted to do my own thing in my own time, anyway. So, I took a leap of faith and started my own business. I’ve always loved woodwork. My father used to have a small shop. As a kid, I always played there. He taught me how to operate the machines, so that wasn’t a problem.

All the tools and the machines were still in my hometown. In good condition. So, I took off my suit and tie, put on my overalls, and got to work. Little did I know I was soon getting a colleague. It was an AI App. And it was called Fabley.

How can an AI App help an upcoming carpenter? 

Oh, trust me. AI Apps can help. See, it’s not only about the physical work.

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It’s not easy being an upcoming carpenter. Even if you’re a famous carpenter, it gets tricky at times. You get a lot of orders and just 24 hours in a day.

But if you are new on the scene, you need to let people know you’re here. That means good marketing. But I didn’t know much about marketing. AI was just breaking big, and I decided to use the help of an AI App.

Nobody told me I needed more than one AI App, though. I was starting to research marketing. And if you’ve ever worked in this field, you know it requires many different things. Images, text, videos, and so on. And I was doing it all alone.

Is there an all-round AI app?

I used to wake up at 6 am. The first part of my day was dedicated to carpentry. The second part of the day was marketing. And I ended up having a longer working day than before. Oh, the irony.

ai app 3 The carpenting part was going well. I had experience. But the marketing was problematic. How can I do all of this alone? And it’s not like I could just randomly place images of my work. 

So my idea was this: Get a couple of subscriptions to different AI Apps. One for image generation and one for text generation. The rest of the plan was a bit shaky. It all came down to improvisation once again.

And I was doing that for a whole year. In the end, I ended up with four different subscriptions. I was absolutely sure that I needed all of them. And then, one day, I came across Fabley.

And I know what you’re thinking. “It’s just another AI App.” Right? At first, I thought so as well.

Boy, was I wrong.

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Fabley, you are a pretty cool AI App!

I came across Fabley accidentally. I was complaining to a friend about my workload. I needed an AI App that could support everything I needed. 

It’s super easy to use. You just type in a prompt, and that’s it. Fabley’s a goldmine! 

This friend of mine works as a creator of comic books. At first, I didn’t understand how Fabley fit in with his work. But later, I completely understood. He said he used it for inspiration. Inspiration? How can an AI App help a carpenter with inspiration? Anyway, I decided to test it.

I logged in and went straight to the “Create” tab. After that, it’s all just a matter of your prompt. And that’s the first thing I loved about Fabley. It all depends on you. You just need to give it a good prompt.

The first image I got was fantastic. It was supposed to be a new logo for my business. I wanted a picture of a happy carpenter in front of a carved wooden laurel wreath. I liked it instantly! I couldn’t believe it. The other image generators I used never got it on the first try. Fabley, you are a pretty cool AI App!

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An AI App that inspired me

The image generation was just the beginning. The text-generating tool was also super helpful.  I’m not too good with words, so Fabley is really useful there. But even that wasn’t all! 

My favorite thing about the Fabley AI App is that it gives you suggestions! 

Exactly that. And I discovered it accidentally. I was typing in a prompt to generate an image of a wooden bar chair. Fabley started describing a chair with a curved backrest and cushions. Wait. My chairs don’t have any curves. Oh, I can use this AI App!

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Since then, I’ve sold at least a hundred chairs with curved backrests. And that’s just one of the products that Fabley helped me improve. I love that about the app. It takes my ideas and always adds something. Something I never thought of. And you can use this for anything, not just carpentry. I’ve met a lot of artists, marketers, teachers, and so on who use Fabley daily for their work. My neighbor’s kids use it for gaming. 

I love having a shorter workday


So there I was. Working in my own shop in my own time.

ai app 7 Fabley can’t really do the woodworking for me. At least so far. It would be a cool feature, though. However, Fabley’s an AI App that’s always in my pocket. Whether I need inspiration for a project or help with the marketing stuff, it’s always there.

As far as marketing goes, it has made my days easier. Fabley generates almost all the images and all the text for me. I wish I had known about this AI App sooner.

I don’t have four different subscriptions anymore. It quickly replaced four different AI Apps. And the suggestions it gives me are always more than welcome.

 At one point, I discovered that it’s also a great companion! You can discuss a million topics, and it’s very well informed. It’s a great addition to my workshop. I always have someone to talk to when I’m on a break. And it doesn’t talk when I need to be focused.

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Fabley is an AI App that’s made my life easier. There are a lot of great ways you can use it. I use it daily for inspiration and content creation. And I don’t know which one I value more.

What about you? What do you need an AI App for? I’m sure you can craft something awesome with the right prompt. So, go on, let’s see what you can do!

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